Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ruben Alcantera.

Defgrip posted a new interview with Ruben. Such a nice guy and great rider.Also posting up his Forward and Grounded parts. Two of the best video sections ever made.

From Etnies Forward.

Etnies Grounded.

Greg "Noodles" Tait

Here is the link to the interview with Greg. Greg is a stand up guy and great rider. Had some goods time riding with him when I lived in Austin. Check it out. 

Noodles interview

I just won a shit load of money!

There are just somethings that keep me smiling. This is one of them. The guy is the clip is so stoked. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It is getting close.

Quite a few new shots in this new clip. April 3 is the premiere overseas, April 17 in the states.  Doctor Who meet up April 21, at 7:30 PM.

Monday, March 29, 2010

New TARDIS shots.

he Radio Times released some new pictures of the TARDIS interior. Looks pretty sick. 

New Airbender Trailer.

The newest trailer has a quick shot of the gang riding Appa and some more bending action. There was also a clip of slime bending for the Teen Choice Awards. What was that word that triggered get slime dumped on your head?

Monday Magazine throwback.

When I was a wee little lad growing up out in the middle of nowhere, I would pace back and forth at the front door looking at the mail box seeing if we had gotten any mail yet. I even resorted to leaving the door of our mailbox open so that when the mailman came and closed the door, I knew it was time. That mail was my lifeline to the outside world of BMX. Getting a new magazine was one of the best things. I would read and study these magazines, every single word and picture. Good times. Here are a few more of my favorite pictures.

July 1981 Bicycle Motocross Action. Before they switched over to BMX Action. So many things about this picture. Front brake and a coaster. No rear caliper. Crazy kinked quarter pipe. So good.

January 1984 BMX Plus Mike Dominquez cover. I remember looking at this cover so much and wondering what the hell kinda of brake pads was he running, and where on Earth did he get a set of white Skyway Tuff Wheels. Also that I needed to get one of those Hadley bottom brackets for my bike.

January 1985 BMX Plus, Woody Itson.Never really thought of Mr. Itson as much of a ramp rider. Most of what I had seen in the magazines was of him riding flatland. So seeing him doing a look back on that sick chrome Trick Star. WOW! I got on my bike and rode to the closest ditch and tried to learn these things. And what about that crazy SST hub? How many of those were produced? 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Crawling Hand.

Found this on Hulu. Looks interesting. Seems like so many movies from this era had crawling hands. I still think the hand from Evil Dead 2 is the best. 

Do they really call it snogging?

Billie Piper talking about which Doctor was a better kisser.

The Doctor inturrupts ABBA.

"Aired on BBC Radio 2 on Sunday 28th March at around 17:20 Including Paul O'Gradys bit at the end."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

More new Doctor Who clips.

I spotted two new clips over at IO9. Here is one of them from episode six of the new season.

What the fucking holy hell?

This might have been posted elsewhere but I don't care. This is out of hand.

More Dominquez.

Can't have that KOV post without having this up also. Austin AFA from 1988. What they hell were they thinking by not having wider ramps? 

1988 King of Vert

Such a rad contest. At 1:51 when Dominquez starts blasting is so good. He was so close to pulling that 900 at the end.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday.

Another Wednesday, another group of comics to read. Here is my picks this week.

Doctor Who #9

Cars #3 for Jonas.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday time waster.

Well, it is still Tuesday for the next hour or so. This should be good enough reason to watch these tonight or just blow some time tomorrow. Your choice.

If you haven't been watching Web Zeros, you should make the effort and go back and watch the past episodes. Funny stuff. Season 2 just started back up on episode 14. Watch it.

Find the older episodes here.

And have a little Clutch to get your day rolling.

BMX Freestyler Blog.

Stumbled onto this Blog over at There are a ton of good interviews and videos on it. The Karl Roth interview is a good read. And the Austin flatland videos are fun to watch. My good friend and old roommate, John Yull proving he can still kill it. Flatland is way too hard to figure out. 

Visit the site and read some interviews.


Monday, March 22, 2010

More BMX scans.

Pulled a few more pictures to scan tonight. Just some random ones I had in a box in the garage. Love the picture of Chris. Text book perfect no-hander on vert. 

Mat Hoffman at one of the Austin AFA comps. I don't remember the year. If anyone remembers e-mail me.

 Chris Saldivar doing a no-hander on Eben's old half pipe. 

Me doing a nose  pick to fakie  somewhere off of Walzem Road.  

Monday Magazine throwbacks.

I have quite a few of these magazine scans on my hard drive. I need to get more of the pictures posted up on the site. There are some really amazing photos from some of the older BMX Action issues. I could look through those things all day long. 

BMX Action December 1983. The shot on the left was taken at the old Windsor Park Mall. Someone on the Vintage BMX board was giving my grief because I was able to go there and hang out at the Aladdin's Arcade while my mom shopped. Sorry dude. Five bucks went a long way when I was 11 years old.


BMX Monday.

Here is a really cool video from Standard Byke of them building someone's custom frame. Very cool to see what goes into building a frame. 

Custom Trail Machine from Ben Polaschek on Vimeo.

And here is a throw back photo from @jaredsouney that he sent me on Twitter. Funnest rail in San Antonio. Until they capped it.

Space Madness!

This has to be one of the best cartoons ever made. It is for sure their best episode. No embedding on this one, sorry.  Part 1.  Part 2.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Doctor Who Season 5 trailer.

There is a new trailer up for season 5 of Doctor Who. I have been hearing mixed reviews about Matt Smith. I think he will be all right in the role. Good to have a big departure from the Tennant years.

And what the hell are the Daleks doing working for the British Army?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Tony Kornheiser Experience.

Today started like any other Thursday. With the exception of a very painful knee and a lingering head cold. I got up and got ready for work. Limping and coughing I made it though most of my morning rituals. Paper work, daily numbers, and sorting complete, I proceed to see if there was any activity on Ford's end on the internet. While logging in to Twitter I see this link from @Bontrager and @lancearmstrong. And to say it got my blood boiling is an understatement. 

Kornheiser's rant on ESPN Radio 980 was in reaction to the addition of bicycling lanes in Washington, D.C. It began as a discussion about sharing the road but soon disintegrated into an attack on anyone who rides on two wheels. Said Kornheiser of cyclists:
"And they all, my God, with their water bottles in the back, and their stupid hats, and their shiny shorts, they're the same kind of disgusting posers that in a snowstorm come out with cross-country skis on your block. Run them down."
Kornheiser later modified that to, "So you tap them. I'm not saying kill them."

Way to go Tony! Maybe Hanna Storm could give you some tips on not saying stupid stuff. Oh, wait. I think she all ready did. Jackass! 

Here is the link to leave a nice comment for this douchebag.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday reads(new comic book day)

Not a lot of action this week as far as new comics books go. Well, at least action in the reads I want to pick up. Lets just call it a slow comic book week.

Blackest Night is still going on and the Corps have an over-sized issue #46.

Locke & Key Crown of Shadows #4.

Doctor Who #9. Doctor number 10 and Martha Jones together with U.N.I.T. again.

And just to make up for lost time I have picked up some of the older Deadpool trades. Just finished reading Deadpool Volume 2: Dark Reign and am just about to start Deadpool & Cable Ultimate Collection . I wasn't a big fan of Deadpool at first, but that smart ass just kind of grows on you. Pretty good stuff.

And of course it is St. Patrick's Day! Time for some beer and Boondock Saints. "Hey, it's Saint Patrick's Day. Everyone's Irish today."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday Time Waster.

There are way too many cool bikes that have been released over the past 30 years. Some of which if I could get my hands on them I would never give them up. While looking over some pictures on the "interslice" I came across some of the bikes that are on my top "to get" list.

This comes from Randal Putnam's Blog and is one of those rare bikes that even when it was first produced had a "what the hell is that" effect. With it's goofy mustache handle bars, and that oh so sexy Atlantis crowned fork. 

Monday, March 15, 2010

Star Trek

Not feeling so hot as of late. So I am watching some of the original Star Trek episodes. Windows 7 Media Center is actually pretty cool. Lots of cool old shows there to watch. 

Episode is called "The Devil in The Dark".  Reminds me of a Doctor Who story from the Pertwee years. I seem to recall different shows back then lifting story line from one another. I think the idea for Buck Rogers was taken from Doctor Who. Or was it the other way around? I need more medicine and some sleep.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

More numbers and sunrise pics.

I rode to work Friday and Saturday. The ride Friday was good except for taking a wrong turn by the airport and making the ride a mile and half longer than normal. One the way home that night I felt my right knee getting stiff. On the way in on Saturday it was really stiff. Almost to where I could not get a downward push on the pedal You can see the time increases on Saturday's ride. Big difference. Sunday and Monday will be rest days from the bike, hopefully by Tuesday the knee will be good to go. 

1. Dis 15.6, Odo 493.2, Mx 23.0, Tm 1.09.01, Av 13.5
2. Dis 14.3, Odo   N/A, Mx 25.5, Tm 0.50.40, Av 14.3
3. Dis 13.9, Odo 521.4, Mx 25.0, Tm 1.10.16, Av 11.8 
4. Dis 14.7, Odo 536.2, Mx 28.5, Tm 1.21.50, Av 10.7 

You can see the drop in average speed and increase in time. The knee made a pretty big difference in the ride. Almost a drop of 4 mph. Hopefully it loosens back up over the next couple days.

Here are some sunrise pictures from the ride in on Saturday morning.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nerd overload today.

Some days it just seems that I get way too much sci-fi in my life. But in all reality(alternate reality Rose was a dog), the more the merrier. And because I think that knowing why the Fifth Doctor wears a stick of celery on his lapel is a good bit of knowledge to have stored away.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Video frame grabs.

Remember when video frame grabs where used for magazine adds. It seem to start in the skate industry and bleed over into the BMX world. Here are a couple scans of adds off the back of RIDE magazine taken from the Homeless Bikes blog.

Friday, March 05, 2010

A look at what I see daily.

I have to admit. I have a pretty boring job. I sit in a booth over looking a shop where we work on cars. I get to walk through the shop quite a bit during the day and get to see the going on of most of the cars we do work on. For the most part I understand what the guys do. Some of it thought absolutely blows me away. I would never attempt to work on one of the automatic transmissions. Those things are crazy. Here are a few photos from inside our shop. 

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Mileage and a bit of Metallica.

I have been trying to log my mileage each time I commute to work on the bike. Here is a list of the last 4 times I made the trek. 

1. 15.12 miles, (454.5 odo),  26.5 max speed, 1.10.31 time, 12.8 average speed
2. 14.57 miles, (127.6 odo),  29.0 max speed, 1.07.27 time, 12.9 average speed
3. 14.46 miles, (142.1 odo),  25.5 max spped, 1.17.46 time, 11.1 average speed*
4. 14.32 miles, (476.0 odo),  24.5 max speed, 1.01.43 time, 13.9 average speed

Day three has an asterisk due to the fact that 4 miles of that was off road through McAllister Park. So my average speed was down and time was way up. I did change the route up a little on yesterdays ride and managed to increase my average speed and cut my time down almost six minutes.

Ride 2 and 3 where done on the Fisher with different tires. 

Ride 1 and 4 were done on the Redline cruiser.

It is not to tough a ride on the single speed. The only bad thing is there is not much top end on the gearing.But I really would rather have it that way than have to die on all the hill climbs.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

.....a fish this big.

No reference to Kevin Klein in this post. Other than Dave is a pretty funny movie. 

I was looking over a few of the blogs I follow and have seen some pretty good post lately. There was something like 14 or 15 new web edits that came out yesterday. DAMN! Most of which were really good. As I follow more riding sites I get more and more stoked to ride my bike. I just need to get out and ride more.I am going to post up some things that you might not have seen on some of the other sites.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Cool old school clips.

Really rare bit of footage of Tinker Juarez riding a skatepark somewhere in Cali. Year? 1978 or 1979? 

I remember seeing this contest in an issue of Freestylin' and being so stoked. Looked like so much fun.

Brian Blyther is so smooth.

Some really cool GT show footage.

More old riding pictures.

Riding with Kevin was always a great time. You would never know what he was up to and then out of nowhere he would try some crazy wall ride or just come up with the most insane thing. Or some days he would just disappear for awhile and no one would know where he ran off to only to find him twenty minutes later riding something by himself. Always a fun time with Kevin. I went caving with him a few times and he would always manage to get so much further into some of the tight areas that most of the time should not have been attempted. Kevin was never afraid of much. But that is why I like him so much.

Bottom Bracket grind in some San Antonio ditch.

Bike Ride Along The San Antonio River

A quick edit from a ride along the San Antonio River with a few clips from a ride there last summer. Shot September 2024. Bike Ride Along Th...