Saturday, September 11, 2010

Birthday Wishes to the Proprietor of this Blog...

Ed Koenning was my favorite rider growing up. From the days of Homeless videos to the rock solid riding in the Poor Boy series, something about Ed's riding always drew me to his video parts and they were watched until the tapes wore out. The music was always abrasive, the rails were always long and it was a serious mix of dirt, park, and street. Riding a box jump in the parking lot of a bike shop will always hold a place in my heart that defines 90's freestyle BMX. Not only did Ed's ponytail signify the style consciousness of the time, but his sponsor list is midschool legend. King, Standard, Poor boy, Homeless, Trend, and Stray bicycles supported BMX when it was at its lowest popularity.

I would like to wish one of my greatest influences in BMX a happy 40th birthday and want him to know that he is still inspiring to this day, artistically and in riding. Good wishes to your family and I hope to buy you a beer soon enough! And also, this blog is awesome, thanks for letting me scribble all over it for a little while!

Clowns Full Of Hate from surfer_atomico on Vimeo.


Micah said...

I couldn't agree more. Happy Birthday Ed!

Another aging, geeky, BMX dad.

S.Martinez said...

Happy Birthday man.

Mike said...

Fo sho, happy b-day!

Nick said...

Happy Birthday Ed

Edward Koenning said...

Thanks everyone! And a big thanks to Micah!Thanks for the help again. You rule!

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