Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Josh White -- Freestylin' Aug 1986

This comes from his interview in Freestylin' magazine August 1986. There is so many rad things about that first picture I can't even describe it. Crap! I need to go ride my bike!

Download the pdf here. 


Micah said...

Josh White is the Jamie Bestwick of the 80's.

Mike said...

So sick, I need some leathers and a jersey. That Griz air is ridiculous.

Edward Koenning said...

I have a pair of the white Dyno leathers somewhere, I doubt they still fit.

Nick said...

Personally that's the best cover of any magazine ever...can still remember seeing it on the newstand

gob said...

So unimaginably rad.

Spin Through Hemisfair Park