Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today's sicko rant.

I was not feeling so good last night and some of that carried over today. So this might just a bunch of random thoughts about some of the stuff I looked at yesterday. And hopefully the cold medicine doesn't kick in too bad and have some strange effect on me. I don't want this to turn into some kind of Steve Hamilton post. There is nothing wrong with that though. He is an amazing rider with a creative(interesting) blog of his own.

Today's random play started with AC/DC Live Wire  which is more than likely the catalyst for this whole post. The boys at FBM have been doing a ton of really nice custom frame builds as of late. And this little 18" build dubbed the "18 Wheeler" is very cool. So much so, I might be checking into getting one for Jonas. I am also looking to build a lighter version of my Redline Cruiser and update the geometry. These guys will be getting a call from me soon. Hi Dave!

It is funny. Now that I think of it, There isn't anything at all in that post about The Live Wire. We will blame the fever. Here is FMB's custom frame section of their site. Very cool builds coming out of there.

I think The Least Most posted this yesterday. Old Props interview with Brain Castillo. Good to see this, I have always liked Brian's riding. And Brian himself for that matter. He at one time help me keep riding by hooking it up at Volume and Primo. Thanks a ton Brian.

Brian Castillo Props Interview from Least Most on Vimeo.

So good. And read the Short interview there also. Good stuff.

The Kink guys posted this. Tom and Albert Great pictures. I enjoy watching Albert ride. He is also on top of his Twitter game. Go and follow him 

SBL edits-Albert Mercado LOTEK Edit from andre gonzalez on Vimeo.

Deluxe BMX  picked up Jeremy Ball. The dude is a shredder. Those Deluxe frames are so clean. If one happened to show up at my door step. I'm just saying.

I am really fishing for stuff now. I am not feeling it right now. Time to hit the Day Quill and see if I make make it though today. Need to shake it. I have a bike commute to work tomorrow morning and I am not sure I can take 30 miles of riding right now. Never know, it might be good for me. But I highly doubt it. I will leave this with everyone. Some of the newer Blogs I started following, some good reads there. 

This was posted at Clicked BMX yesterday. Nice video.  

And I will leave everyone with this. All in all one of the best songs hands down. 

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