Friday, February 26, 2010

NAHBS! Where the wood gets in the way of biking.

Not really. Just sounded like a good way to start this post. North America Handmade Bicycle Show is a actually a bike show I have wanted to attend for a while. Some of the builds are more like pieces of art. So good looking. 

There is a Ti frame under that orange paint. Very cool 24" cruiser by Kish Bikes. 

Follow Friday.

It seems that Follow Friday is the thing to do over at Twitter. So I decided to have a blog post about some of my favorite Twitters. Seems to work at a better level that just @'ing people.

First up. If you are not following my favorite pup. The best dog ever. You must get on it.

Here is further proof.

And here are a list of ten of my favorite tweeters.

These are just a few off the top of my head. There are quite a few more out of the almost 400 people I follow. This should be a good starting point. 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today's sicko rant.

I was not feeling so good last night and some of that carried over today. So this might just a bunch of random thoughts about some of the stuff I looked at yesterday. And hopefully the cold medicine doesn't kick in too bad and have some strange effect on me. I don't want this to turn into some kind of Steve Hamilton post. There is nothing wrong with that though. He is an amazing rider with a creative(interesting) blog of his own.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Independent Fabrication Phil Wood 40th Anniversary Track Bike

Independent Fabrication Phil Wood 40th Anniversary Track Bike

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Greg Guillotte.

There was always a myth about this guy in Texas. I had heard about him but never really seen him ride. We would hear things about his riding and about how high he was going. I think Eben or The Gute had ridden with him before and they were just blown away. I was never much of a vert guy, I would mess around but other than that riding anything bigger than 7 feet scared me.Even just sitting on top of a vert ramp watching Kevin and Eben blast would give me the he-be-g-b's. (Isn't that in New York?)

Then sometime in '89 when the AFA was the contest series to go to. I think this was my first time I had seen Greg ride. Holy Hell! Full on crank at those little ramps. Smooth as glass. And what I would still consider the best turn down in BMX. I watch this video and still get excited to go ride my bike. And ride it really fast.

All this babble was brought on by a post at Twitter from Jared Souney showing a cover shot of Greg from GO. Brakeless invert somewhere in Texas.

One of the best covers from GO's short life. And one of the best vert riders from back in those AFA days. One of my favorites for sure.

Bike Ride Along The San Antonio River

A quick edit from a ride along the San Antonio River with a few clips from a ride there last summer. Shot September 2024. Bike Ride Along Th...