Decided to post up a few adds from the issue of
BMX Action in yesterday's post.There are some pretty good ones, and well, there are also some really bad ones that make you wonder if these add execs really could sleep at night.
"There is no defense." It might have been the coolest frame made at the time. But I doubt kids cared at all. A bike built like that was way too overpriced given the low price of a Diamond Back. The snake beat the scorpion big time. And the thing about that killer Shimano add is that those parts could have been made out of gold given the going prices for some of those parts these days. Crazy collectors.
Some smart ass at Mongoose thought this would be so clever. "230 ways to get goosed." Wonder how many sexual harassment suits they settled with that guys secretary?
Just when I thought Mongoose went and blew it with that last add, they go and do this. Killer picture with an otherwise lame white bar of warning. Looks like a Surgeon General's warning for a pack of smokes. This is still a pretty kick ass add.
Did SR hide enough of the Falcon to keep under Lucas Art's radar? Did George even know about this little rag called BMX Action? Doubt it. And when RL's dad was running the thing, of course no one told him to sit on it. If they did, there would be no add space for you.